My first Cardinal to visit my yard, originally uploaded by picturethepromises.
After putting my feeders out several days ago, I still haven't had much activity around them. Somewhat discouraged I was gazing out my back door and a Woodpecker caught my eye. Grabbed my camera and slid the patio door open just a bit to try and capture my little visitor. After a few shots he flew away, I closed the door and put my camera down. Out of the corner of my eye I say them!! They flew past and landed in a tree between our home and my mother-in-laws. Boy did I grab my camera quick and started shooting! My telephoto lens is a 70 x 200 and it's better than my old point and shoot but not nearly what I would have like to have. My cardinal pics are severely cropped so to get a better look at these beautiful birds.
I put out more seeds in my back yard, some suet, some apple, I have berries in the freezer I may dig out too. With a little luck my first visit won't be my last.
Sometimes we go about our lives doing what we must, doing what we should, trying to keep up, trying to get ahead and it can get tiresome. We need a surprise, a treat, a mini vacation. I was feeling a little blue today and God sent me a surprise, a treat a little party in my back yard from some friends I'd never met before. Those of you who follow, read and comment on my blog are gifts from God as well. Thank you for your visits and encouragements. I pray that something you find here is a blessings, a surprise, a treat.
Truly a wonderful gift! Lovely shots!