Thursday, January 28, 2010

Moonscape January 28, 2010

Moonscape, originally uploaded by picturethepromises.

Here in ND when you get a winter storm with blizzard conditions, that wind can be blowing at 50 miles an hour or more. It amazes me that little bitty birds aren't blown across the state. The creator has given them an amazing ability to ride out the storm. The wind can do terrible damage sometimes. Uprooting trees, carrying debris great distance and other damage can be expected. The wind also has the capability of creating beauty. Sometimes it piles up snow in lovely soft pillows as it fills in ones back yard. The strong wind blows tiny snowflakes into the trunks and bark of trees and in the sunlight they look to be wearing frosting. As a kid it would fill in our huge roadside ditches giving us a great place to slide and on the prairie it creates beautiful sculptures, each a unique, one of a kind masterpiece.

Sometimes in the midst of a winter blizzard you can't see what's a few feet away because of the snow being blown about. Yesterday a strong wind blew thru my life, my day. It was destructive, in part because I allowed it. I did and said things I regret but can't take back. I couldn't see the truth because of the fear, resentment, anger, frustration, fatigue and other factors swirling about. Later apologies were made, but damage had been done. I pray that God will heal the hurts I caused others to feel. It is my prayer too, that God will use this destructive wind to bring about something beautiful. I pray He uses it to teach me, to change me, to sculpt and mold me into the woman He would have me to be. In the meantime, I will draw ever nearer to Him whose love endures forever and whose mercies are new every morning.


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