Monday, March 29, 2010
March 27, 2010 Sharp Shinned Hawk
March 26, 2010 Afloat
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Caught you!! March 25, 2010
Been a couple busy days, cutting mats for photos and then matting nearly 50 prints. Not as much time as I'd like to shoot photos. There is always a subject outside my patio door however. Most often birds and fairly often my little squirrel friends. Now that temps are warmer I try to carefully and quietly open the sliding glass door enough to stick my lens outside. Sometimes it works and sometimes all the birds fly away. Such was the case today, the birds scattered buy my friend held his place in the tree. I'm off for the weekend, going to a retreat in Wisconsin, bring some of my photos along for a small exhibit/sale. This is a yearly treat for me and am looking forward to seeing friends I haven't seen since last year! It's beautiful there too near the St Croix River, hoping to stop by a waterfall I know. If I can, I'll share some pics next week!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Pretty Pink March 24, 2010
Today the geranium blossom was fully opened! There are tons of buds and so I will have lots of pretty little blooms in the days and weeks ahead. A little taste of summer days to come! As I look out into my yard and my gardens it is clear that there is some work to be done before I will see any bloom outdoors! All the hard work is worth it when your gardens begin to bloom however! I can't wait to share some of it with you!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Spring Buds! March 22, 2010
Hmmmm..... March 21, 2010
Hmmmm...... my only pics today were when I was playing with my manual focus trying to get the little white "tree" lights to bokeh!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Little Red March 20, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Busy!! March 19, 2010
My little squirrel friend is at it again! This time he found the seed cake. He pulls loose a sunflower seed and then climbs up on the basket or the top of the hook and eats it. Then he goes back to the cake and pulls another seed and repeats the process, over and over and over again. No wonder he needs to eat so much with all that exercise he gets! Hope this day has you busy with the things that matter most, the things you enjoy the most! Blessings~
Lost March 18, 2010
I live in the small town of Abercrombie, so named for the historical Fort Abercrombie whose site is about a mile from my home. It was an early military outpost that served those traveling the oxcart trail, the Red River from Canada to Minneapolis/Saint Paul, early settlers to the area and those traveling west. I'm not an historian, you can find out more from the ND Historical Society. The photo today is taken from the the site and shows how the river and the major flooding we've experienced the last few years is taking it's toll. More and more of the site is falling into the river. It's lost. I've taken some beatutiful photos of the flood waters with reflections and at sunset. That doesn't change the fact that flooding causes damage. I'm concerned about the site, if there is anything they can do to stop the erosion, but all along the river peoples safety, their homes, thier lives are at risk. I'm praying for the people in my community, in Fargo, Grand Forks and all up and down the Red River Valley.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Reflection March 16, 2010
Finally we see the sun! This was day 11 of NO sun whatsoever. This evening when it finally came from behing the clouds I was so excited! I couldn't sit in the house any longer. Felt so wonderful to be outdoors and it turned out to be a fantastic eveing for photos. It was still and the light was perfect. You can see more of my sunset reflection on the swollen river pictures on flikr in my "Red River Valley Flood 2010" set. I don't get to the lake in the summer so I took advantage of all this water we have right now! A flood is not fun, it's dangerous, it's destructive and for some it can be life threatening and devastating. Tonight however, I found beauty in the reflections of the trees and the sunset. Trials come into our lives unwelcome and unbidden, sometimes they flood our lives with pain, fear and upset. What causes distress for us God will use for our good and at some point we will find beauty, and in His time he will bring calm and peace and the reflection others will see will be of Christ in us.
If you're life is flooded with struggles and trial, trust the Father, He can and will do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think!
March 15, 2010 Sammy's Barn
Today in spite of the clouds and the fog, I took my camera with me to town and on the way home I stopped and photographed every bridge that was under or about to go under if I could get to it! Spring flood season is upon us, the rivers are rising as are the creeks, gullies, and ditches. Not only are the rivers flooding their banks overland flooding is taking it's toll as well. This barn is just one example of what yards and farmsteads look like in the area. While it makes for a beatiful reflection image it tells the story of more frustration, destruction and damage. Hopefully won't be as bad as last year but the word flood speaks.....too much, more than we want, more than we know what to do with sometimes!
Trus you are safe and dry wherever you may be and if you too are in the midst of a struggle, take heart, the Father is at hand to give added strength, wisdom, perserverance and even deliverance!~Blessings~
The Vita Ferm March 14. 2010
One last pic from my excursion around Huron. This wonderful old building caught my attentions. Many of the windows are broken but there are window air conditioning units on the ground level. Cook Seed Co. the sign says and "Vita Ferm". Found out that before the Cook Seed Co. used the building it belong to Swift. Meat packing perhaps?
Familiar Friend March 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Secrets Kept March 12, 2010
Mr. C March 11, 2010
I did pick up my camera once or twice when I saw Mr C stop by. He will be harder to see when the trees have leaves!
Symbol of Faith March 10, 2010
The Painting on the Wall March 9, 2010
The City of Huron SD, has mural painted on many of it's buildings. Beautiful art that depicts bits of Hurons and SDs histories. I believe this one showed the variety of folks that looked to homestead land. I would love to get back there and properly photograph each one. Maybe someday. We all have history, some of it's good, some of it we'd rather forget. The most important is that we've made the decision to accept God's grace in Jesus Christ and trust Him for our eternal salvation. Then, he forgives and forget the history we regret and repent of, and has a plan for our future!
From a Byegone Era March 8, 2010
I fell in love with this old house! Turrets are so cool! I bet this house was a grand one in it's day. Looks like they were trying to do some work on it, I'll have to check on it when I go back and see how she's coming along. We all need a little restoration from time to time, God's Word and some time alone with Him restores my soul!
The Octagon House March 7, 2010
Saturday afternoon we took a little tour of Huron, Barb showed me some wonderful old buildings (I love old buildings!) One of our first stops was the octagon house. Really, it has 8 sides. It is in the process of a slow revitalization! If I can learn more, I'll share it with you!
Due to 11 days of no sun, I've been a little blue, didn't even want to take photos. I'll post a few others from my trip for the days I missed. Sorry for my absence, I've missed this little daily ritual and hopefully am back on track!
Red Robin March 6, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Spring 2010 1st Robin March 5, 2010
This past weekend I went to visit my sis in law in Huron SD. I took my mom in law and off we went on our road trip. We had some sun most of the day but when we were a few miles out of Huron, the clouds rolled in. They stayed around all weekend. We notice birds flying about from the patio door and thought the ones in the far tree looked like Robins. I snapped a few quickly thru the patio door ( and across the driveway) and after zooming in on my pic we were sure they WERE Robins. The pic i posted today isn't great quality, but is is documentation. We saw our 1st Robin of the Spring 2010 on this day March 5. Hopefully some of them followed us back t Abercrombie and spring truly is just around the corner!
I Wonder March 4. 2010
Low on ambition and inspiration! I have a basket full of treasures on my coffee table. Most of them are rocks and stone I've collected from some of my travels. This shell is in my basket by I have no idea where it came from! I collected shells once on a beach on Whidby Island WA. What a beautiful island, I would love to return. None of my shells that day were this large. When I look at it I wonder what beach it came from, who first picked it up out of the sand and how many pairs of eyes and hands studied it. I Wonder, about my shell, about tomorrow sometimes, and then I am reminded that I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand. And I trust him completely!