I couldn't help but return to the Apricot trees. The blossoms smell so sweet and are here for such a short time. The bright sun was shining on the blossoms and those that were backlit caught my eye. The petals become somewhat translucent they seem almost to glow! Since this photo was taken time and the rain have removed all the blossoms from the tree. A reminder to stop and embrace, enjoy and immerse yourself in the joys of today. Each day brings something we can delight in if we look for it. I believe this is true even in the midst of trial. Have you found yours for today? I hope so! Blessings~
Friday, April 30, 2010
April 22, 2010 Backlight~
I couldn't help but return to the Apricot trees. The blossoms smell so sweet and are here for such a short time. The bright sun was shining on the blossoms and those that were backlit caught my eye. The petals become somewhat translucent they seem almost to glow! Since this photo was taken time and the rain have removed all the blossoms from the tree. A reminder to stop and embrace, enjoy and immerse yourself in the joys of today. Each day brings something we can delight in if we look for it. I believe this is true even in the midst of trial. Have you found yours for today? I hope so! Blessings~
Thursday, April 29, 2010
April 21, 2010 Contrasts
apple tree,
crab apple,
flowering crab,
April 20, 2010 Apricot Blossoms
Finally it really feels, looks and smells like spring. The apricot trees in my mother in laws yard are blooming. They are the first trees to fill the air with sweet smelling dainty blooms. We don't always get apricots but it is so fun to see the flowers! They only last a shot while. Next to come, the chokecherries, crab apples and I see the beginnings of blooms on my lilac bushes. Sweetness in the air! I'll post pics for you as they bloom.... Blessings~
April 19, 2010 Bloomer
I walk past a neighbors yard every day. Last fall I so enjoyed the beautiful leaves on her two little maple trees. This spring when I walked by I noticed something I missed last spring. The little trees had tiny little flowers on them. As I've watched I have learned that before the leaves come the little maple trees bloom! Carrying my camera with me everywhere everyday has helped me open my eyes to the wonder that is around me all the time. My pic a day project has not only helped me learn more about my camera and about photography (composition, lighting, and so forth), it has taught me to be more aware of the world around me and to see things in greater detail, to not just look but to really see. This is a project I would recommend to anyone, photog or not! You could try it for just a month or even a week, I know it will have an impact. Blessings~
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
April 18, 2010 All Dressed Up!
First I must apologize for getting so far behind and for abandoning the blog for several days! I have a daily pic and will post a few each day so that I get caught up without skipping any. My hubby and I took a walk to the river and it was so much fun to see the trees beginning to leaf out. I love how in the spring the leaves have a blush and often added finery. Like me, they are celebrating a new season by getting all gussied up! Spring is a party.....hope you are enjoying it!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
April 16, 2010 A Moment Remembered
We attended our sons FFA spring banquet and shared our table with a family with 4 young children. My baby is nearly 18 so watching an 18 month old was a hoot! At this point he entertained himself by pushing the plaque over with one finger, standing it back up and doing it again over and over. I loved his facial expressions. When my children were little, we were a busy little family, a lot going on and I confess that I did not always enjoy the stage they were in. If only we had the wisdom to not wish for the next stage. As I've gotten older and my children have gotten older I have learned to be careful about wishing away today. Instead I hope to immerse myself in the precious moments as they come. I will not pine for yesterday, that is a waste of time, I will not wish for tomorrow and easier days, they may never come, rather i will celebrate today, this moment, it is all I have.
Blessings this day~
April 15, 2010 Feeder Friend
Just a quick shot out the patio door today. I'd never bought the seed logs for the birds before and didn't know how they'd go. All the birds feed on them and the woodpeckers especially like them! Be blessed friends!
"bird feeder",
bird seed,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April 14, 2010 Blessings
Today was a beautiful sunny warm bright day! There are reports that temps here in ND were as high as 76! Just wonderful! This evening I looked out at my lilacs and the sun was hitting the new spring leafs that are just begining to open. The whole side of the bush was kissed with the golden light. Such a simple thing, yet so beautiful. Today, visiting with someone, the condition of our world came up. "Everything is so awful" was the sentiment as negativity and discouragment reigned. I reminded them of a few blessings I'm thankful for. The sun is shining, the temps are warm, I was able to get out of bed this am, I have food on my table, shoes on my feet, a fine husband, children I love, both my parents, a job to go to, I was not born in Uganda or another 3rd world country and orphaned before I could walk. I think you get the idea. When we only think of the negative we get stuck in that rut so focus on the positive. There's an old hymn that says count your blessings, count them one by one. I know that if you do, you'll be kept so busy you won't have time to let the negative (the enemy of our souls the devil) get the best of you!
Blessing after blessing friends!
here is a link to a song by the Jeff and Sherri Easter written by Jeffs dad. I hope you can take the time to listen to the story behind it and the words of this song. I love to sing this often , it"s a good reminder to be thankful for all the blessings the Lord has poured out on me!
thank you lord for your blessings on me
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
April 13, 2010 Petals
I have always loved roses! My grandmother and my mother both had rose bushes. Grandma Ida had a yellow climbing rose with the prettiest, most fragrant roses. A friend, Pearl had one with beautiful light pink roses. Mom's wasn't a climbing rose, just a bush with vibrant deep pink flowers. I got a shoot from her years ago, NOTHING smells as wonderful as those old fashioned roses. I often scour the clearance areas of stores to see if they have fresh flowers on sale. Often they do and I usually get some and enjoy them while they last. When I look at the way the petals are folded together it is amazing. The creator has caused the bush to form a bud with dozens of petals each carefully folded and tucked tightly in place til the time comes to slowly and gently open to reveal it's secrets. Were you or I to try with our hands to carefully tuck all those petals into such a small tight space we just couldn't do it with the precision of the creator. God put so much creativity into the rose, so many colors, varieties, scents and sizes. All that for something that is here today and gone tomorrow. The bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Examine your fingerprint, it's one of a kind, study your own eyes, the colors and flecks, consider all the knowledge you have gained and is stored in your mind. As wonderful and fascinating as the rose is, it does not compare with God's most precious creation, you and I.
Monday, April 12, 2010
April 12, 2010 First Thunder
Walking home from work today I heard a little rumble in the sky. Then a little more. The first thunder of the season! I loved it. We just got a short light shower and the thunder moved on. As a kid, I remember my mom or my grandmother saying that you shouldn't plant anything till you've had a good thunderstorm to wake the ground up. I think of that every spring and wait for that first good thunderstorm. Today didn't qualify but the next one might! If you have a "word of wisdom" passed down in a similar fashion, I would love to hear it!
April 11, 2010 Sweet Goldfinch
"bird feeder",
"sunflower seed",
Sunday, April 11, 2010
April 10, 2010 God's Blessings
Something completely different for today! This is my youngest son and his date for his junior prom. They are friends thru forensics and speech. It doesn't seem that long ago he was playing GI Joe in the crawlspace. No longer a little boy, a young man whom I am so very proud of. So thankful for the blessings God has granted in the gifts of my children! Blessings~
If you'd like to see more of the prom, you can find the album on my facebook page... the dresses are amazing!
April 9, 2010 Against the Blue Sky
Today they were decorating the gym for prom so I couldn't take my daily walk on my lunch break. My son would have been so embarrassed if mom was making laps while they were trying to decorate! Instead I took my phone (so I could watch the time) and my camera. Beautiful day in April. The hike around the ball diamond and the school property was just about right for time and when I got to the front of the school there was Mr. Robbin in the tree. I still haven't gotten that longer zoom lens I'd like so this is a fairly tight crop. Something about that orange breast against the blue sky. Say spring to me! Hope you can take the time to walk around the block, drink in the fresh air, listen to the birds and "see" with your heart all that is around you. Blessings~
April 8, 2010 Next Time....
Driving home from Fargo, I took a country road I don't often drive on. Some one told me there may be an eagles nest, they had seen eagles.... Well, I didn't see any sign of eagles but I did see this beautiful goose flying toward the water. I stopped, got my camera and got a shot of him in flight, beautiful, graceful, trouble is, I forgot to slow down the shutter speed and the photo was just white snow. So I have to settle for this goose wading in the water instead of flying thru the sky. That's something I'm learning the hard way when I shoot in manual. I need to remember to check my shutter speed and my aperture. Maybe next time....
Thursday, April 8, 2010
April 7, 2010 Return Visitor
April 6, 2010 Robbin
The elusive Robbin (for me anyway). The don't come to close to the house, stay out in the back yard and fly away no matter how carefully I approach! Not a great shot, just my pic for today. I'll keep trying~
Monday, April 5, 2010
April 5, 2010 Northern Flickr
New bird on my suet feeder today! Well, not new to my yard, these big fancy dressed Northern Flickers love to poke their beaks down into the ground in our yard looking for bugs or worms. In the spring we can often see as many as 6 at one time, each working it's own space on the grid. I have never seen one land on and eat from the feeders however. Every movement he made the feeder would swing about making it hard to capture him. He pause for this just for a moment so I snapped quickly! Spring is so much fun with the returrn of many birds for the summer and a quick visit from those who are migrating thru. Hope to capture a few more and share them with you here!
"bird feeder",
northern flicker,
April 4, 2010 Retired
Spent Easter Sunday with my parents in northern MN. Had a great time, just too short. My sis cooked a late dinner, delish! I love walking around mom and dads old farmstead. The house is over 100 years old, builf of hand made brick and there are wonderful treasures if you look for them. This car like some of the other things around was discarded years ago and brings to mind all kinds of questions. Who drove it, young or old, family, little children in the back, why did they park it here in the woods? When you look how close the tree is to the door, you can see the car has been there for a very long time. It was retired, the enginge taken and the body left for me to photograph one day.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
April 3, 2010 New Life!
Finally, some wonderful color! Just in time for Easter. After a long winter, buried in the ground the flowers poke their way thru the soil to bring us these beautiful yellow blooms. Christ died to pay for my sin, to pay for yours too. He then was buried in a cold tomb. When His work was finished, his death paying the penalty for my sin and defeating death and hell he rose early one Sunday morning. My Lord has conquered, sin, death and hell, I'll walk hand in hand with Him trusting in his care. It is my prayer that you know and experience the real reason for this season. I'm thankful for the sacrificial death of Christ on my behalf and I rejoice in the resurrection and the hope and promise of eternity with Him.
April 1, 2010 Squirrelly
Today I had three of these little guys fight for the feeder and one huge squirrel as well. This little guy would run toward the house and feeders, stop stand on his hind legs, sniff and listen, move a little closer and do it again. So funny! Need to go for a walk to find something else to photograph tho! Blessings~
March 31, 2010 Don't talk with your mouth full!
"bird feeder",
good friday,
purple finch,
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