Saturday, March 21, 2009

White as Snow

For many the pure white newly fallen snow is gone. For you it may have been replaced by green grass and tulips. For me it has been replace by dirty snowbanks, ice, mud and the threat of major flooding in the coming weeks. I look out my window and see the mess; the yard to be cleaned and the garbage strewn from the blizzards this winter. It's hard to remember the beauty of the fresh fallen snow.

My life is like that too. I know the redemptive power of God's love and the supernatural cleansing of my soul by the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross. I have been made clean by the shed blood of Jesus. But if you were to look closely at me, at my life, at my walk, it does not always appear to be so. There is dirt, mud sometimes, and ice. I allow garbage to be strewn about and I am too lazy or too proud to ask God to help me clean it up.

I am so sick of the dirtiness outdoors. I am ready for something new. Grass, leaves, flowers, sunshine, birds, butterflies. I am waiting on God to bring the new season about. That is true in my soul as well. I have allowed worldliness to soil me. O Jesus, I cry out for your touch, for refreshing! The Psalmist cried out to God "Cleanse me, search my heart and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting! " Time in His word daily reminds me of my need for renewal. He is faithful when I am not, he cleans me up, and then brings newness, life, growth, blessings everyday.

Maybe you feel the grime of the world as well. Mud on your boots, ice in your soul, garbage everywhere. Call on Jesus, he longs to bring you newness, refreshing, hope. He loves you, He proved it on a cross at Golgatha. His red blood covered our sins and made them white as snow, trust Him.


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