Outside the capitol building in Pierre were some beautiful gardens. These Peonies were just about done. So pretty and they smelled wonderful!

On our way back to ND we had to make a couple stops, these old bones don't like riding for more than so long. Barb suggested we go thru Pierre the state capitol. We got there just before the building closed so took a really quick look around. It was beautiful. I would love to visit every state capitol building in the US. I fell in love with the grand architecture!
We did it! Barb and I hiked up Crazy Horse Mountain and stood out on the end of his pointing arm. The trip up and back was a 10k march. We do take our time, take lots of pics, enjoy the scenery, and experience the entire journey. We saw lovely wildflowers, stands of pine and birch, and even a mountain goat up behind the face you see in the photo! And of course people, lots of people in every size, age, and physical condition. We met an interesting lady who when finished had "only" 350 10k volksmarches stamped in her book. She was mid to late 70's. She and her son walked up the mountain together. There was a girl scout troop, families with strollers ( I wouldn't recommend that) and an elderly couple that slowly shuffled up the mountain holding hands. I saw a young father carrying his tiny infant and a another family whose dad had his guitar and would play and sing for us as we hiked. The volksmarch takes place once a year, the first full weekend in June. You can hike up either Saturday or Sunday or both if you're so inclined. No entrance fee those days for marchers just some food for the food pantry. If you'd like to know more about Crazy Horse Monument, history and so forth check out the website http://www.crazyhorsememorial.org/monument/
Hen and Chicks we saw in a flower bed in Custer SD converted to Black and White

After our hike up Crazy Horse Mountain we spent the rest of the afternoon experiencing the rest of the complex. We looked thru the museums and buildings capturing it all with our cameras. It will take me some time to get thru them all! Of all the things we see it seems I am always most drawn to nature, to the beauty only God can create. These pretty tulips we found nestled between two buildings tucked away from most peoples eyes. Glad our goal is to experience the whole of the places Barb and I visit. Most people rush thru and miss so much. I'm glad I get to share them with you!
After a long drive we needed to stop and stretch so we decided to check out Keystone SD. It was kinda raining so we walked from to shop to shop there were some older buildings and an historic train ( we only say the tracks and the depot was a shop). These pretty columbine or honeysuckle as we called them as kids were growing outside the depot. I had never seen one in these colors, they were so big and beautiful! Hope you enjoy it!
Not only did we see beautiful butterflies and exotic tropical plants, we saw beautiful flowers too. These caught my eye with the red contrasting against the white. I was not familiar with these but the sign said Bleeding Hearts. Not like the ones I buy at the greenhouse. They were so lovely and delicate. How wonderful to visit environments different than the ones we live in day to day!
In addition to all the beautiful butterflies in the Butterfly House, we enjoyed a myriad of beautiful, lush plants. This one was huge!Blessings~
My sis in law and I stopped to see my son in Sioux Falls SD and we all went to the Sertoma Butterfly House. We spent several hours enjoying the butterflies from all over the world and pursuing them with our cameras! Well Barb and I did, the kids walked thru and then had to wait for us! Several times they would flit past and I could feel their wings brush against my cheek. Butterfly kisses for me! Great place to visit if you are ever in Sioux Falls!
When photographing my roses I was startled by a morning dove flying out of my grapevines. Careful not to touch the vines I got close enough to see a nest with eggs nestled in among the leaves and vines. So exciting to find little treasures! Hope you find something today!

My rose bush was covered in beautiful fragrant blooms this year. My grandma had one of these as did my mom. (mine is a shoot from hers). They fade too quickly and are a reminder to stop today and smell the roses. If we wait til later we might miss out! Find something today to enjoy!

A new addition to my flower bed this year the Stargazer Lily. So beautiful, so fragrant! I will enjoy these for years to come! Blessings~
I love my flower gardens and although I don't spend a lot of time weeding and tending I am blessed with blossoms thru out the summer. The beautiful gerba daisy I plant every spring and their bright petals smile at me all summer! I probably spend more time taking pictures than I do weeding but... oh well!
Some people patch with them, some people quilt or craft with them, some people throw them away and some people give them to me! This rug and 4 place mats were custom made for someone using the families worn jeans. Sometimes I get not just jeans but tshirs, sweats shirts, sheets and blankets and I weave something useful from it for them. Other times people clean their closets and I weave rugs for myself, for gifts and for sale. It's fun turning a bag of old clothes fit only for the garbage into something beautiful useful and environmentally friendly! So what do you do with your old jeans?
I've been growing succulents for years. The reason, I tend to neglect watering and care and they are hard to kill! They rarely bloom for me, only twice before have I had blooms and they were tall spikey things with tiny little flowers. When I walked into the living room I couldn't believe my eyes! This poor neglected plant ( you can see that it is missing leaves along the stem by the planter) was blooming! In spite of difficult circumstances it flowered. Perhaps because of the circumstances! Reminds me of the little saying "Bloom where you're planted". And then I am challenged....do I bloom where I'm planted or wish I was somewhere else, different job, different house, different financial situation, different location, city or state, different body, different talents and on and on....... I have been given so much, beautiful home, wonderful family, a job where I have summers off, a love of creativity, beautiful sunsets, health, freedom, salvation. With a heart that recognizes and is thankful for the blessings I can thrive and blo0m where I'm planted. So can you!
Some days I feel like this Pelican, perched on a rock with water swirling all about me. Unlike the pelican and the turtles, I can't fly and I can't swim! I'm stuck sometimes in one place looking for answers from myself. Instead I need to lift my head and look for answers from the One who has all the answers. He even knows all the questions before we even ask!
I love the majesty and grandeur of the mountains and the tranquility of a quiet lake at sunset. I am awed by the endlessness of the ocean and the fireworks of a summer storm. I often wish I lived somewhere else than the flat farming community of the Red River Valley. I took a walk thru a wildlife "sanctuary" with my sis in law and was reminded that there is beauty in the everyday if we but take the time to look for it, to expect it. I saw no mountains or lakes or oceans, no tall tall trees or exotic wildlife. I saw ducks and geese, swamps (walked thru some of them!) and birds. I came away physically tired but spiritually and mentally refreshed. All because I took a walk in my own back yard with my eyes open expecting to find beauty. What's in your backyard?
After an extended abscence, I'm back! I never intended to be gone so long, but habits are like that. I got out of the habit due to traveling and such. I miss taking photos every day, I miss blogging and I miss those of you who read and comment. I took this in late May when I went to visit my sis in law in SD. That weekend storms tore up parts of central SD and ND with heavy rains, winds and even some hail if I remember right. We were blessed to have missed it all! The heavens declare the glory of God! What looks to be grand cloud formations are but little bits of cotton in the creators hand. The richest colors we see will be pastel in comparison to what our eyes will behold in heaven and the wind, lightning or the storms of life are all under the control of the Master who says to the storm "Peace be still" and the wind and waves obey! Storms can cause us to fear, help me Father to look past my fear and see your hand at work.
As I play catch up, I will post the date the photo was taken