Day 6 of 365 has been a long dreary rainy day. I prefer to photograph outdoors so today was a challenge to think of something fun to photograph. I walked by my hutch and saw these leaves laying inside with my antique glassware. We picked them up in Washington state a few years ago because they were huge. This one is larger than my hand. I propped it up against a dark blue glass plate just under the hutch light. I shot in Priority mode with no flash and hand held. I like it, especially the texture of the veins. The only editing was to crop just a bit.
*note* if you click on the image you can view the original size, the textures and detail are cool!
Blessings All~
Day 5 pf 365. It's fall and that means that it is harvest time. These are my grapes. We planted 4 vines more than 20 years ago and each year they are a little sweeter. They are small with seeds but we don't usually just eat them. It is time to pick them (before the birds do) wash them and freeze them. Later this winter I will pull them out, cook them in just a little water and then squish them thru the colander, strain them and make jelly that that famous company would be jealous of! I think I need a pnut butter and jelly sandwich !
Blessings All

Day 4 of 365
We spent the day at the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion or WMSTR in Rollag Minnesota. Steam Engines, antique tractors, horse farming, womens' activities (like lefsa, fry bread, carmel rolls, rommegrott !) log houses, a train, old time music, and tons more cool stuff to see! We stopped in the church for a little music and there was a wonderful old pump organ. I lifted the lid to the keys and found them in great condition. I've seen something similar to this done and loved it. Not original but I took the opportunity when presented. The second is my favorite, but I liked all of them.
I took over 250 photos today~can I just use them for the next 250 days? There are many fun ones I would love to share with you.........
Blessings All~
Day 3 of 365 September 5th, 2009. I know, another moon, same as yesterdays pic. A beautiful moon, a nice evening and a clear sky don't always present themselves together so I took advantage of the three coming together. It was another opportunity to play with the manual settings and experiment some. I can read about f stops and shutter speed but actually shooting and comparing photos is how I learn.
The moon is mysterious, interesting, beautiful, out of reach, and part of a world most of us can only view from our windows, driveways, or yards. We can tell it our secrets and share our dreams. There is something about capturing the moon in a photo~that way it always belongs to us.
Blessings All~
Okay, the day is nearly done and I have no pic yet for Day 2 of 365 September 4, 2009. I grab my camera and head outdoors. Too late in the day for flower pics, so I jump in the car and head for the country road where I like to watch the sun set. Another sunset~only there are never two the same right? I took sunset pics, tons of them, some of them I really liked too. I finished up and turned around and there on the eastern horizon was a rising moon. Of course I didn't have my zoom lens or my tripod so I hurry home and grab the rest of my gear. (Always take everything because you just never know!) I got back out to my country road and got a few shots. I tried some on auto and then played with manual settings. This is something I am learning more about so it was a good exercise. There were a couple I liked but chose this one because you can see the lights on the antenna. It was one of the ones I shot in the manual mode.

Okay, I accepted a challenge to take at least one photo every day for the next 365 with the hopes of improving my photography skills. The challenge is to pick up my camera every day, to try something new, something different, new angles, different light, different subjects. I plan to post them here on my blog. Here is my first pic for Thursday September 3, 2009. I know, not so "unusual" but supper last evening was very tasty!
Blessings All~