Monday, February 1, 2010

Sparrows February 1, 2010

Sparrows, originally uploaded by picturethepromises.

Matthew 10:29 says Are not two sparrows sold for a penny ? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.

The little sparrow is watched by God, He cares for them, feeds them and sees when one falls. Some days we may feel isolated, alone perhaps abandoned or betrayed. God is at hand, He hears our hearts cry. There are times when we see no way for the needs of today or tomorrow to be met. Our need far outweighs our resources. We forget that God is at hand, His resources know no bounds! Sometimes, like the sparrow we fall and the Father is at hand, and He sees. Not only does He see, He may catch us before we hit the ground or He may rush to our side to help us up. We may even stay down for a time, to heal or to learn, and the Father never leaves us. And like the sparrow, nothing touches us outside the will of the Father. He knows, He cares, He sees, He Loves.....

How wonderful to think that the God of creation, of heaven and earth cares for and sees each sparrow. How incredible, how abundantly more precious to me that He not only sees me, He sent His son to pay my sin debt, to take my place in order to redeem me from the pit I'd fallen into and prepare a wonderful eternal home for me!


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