Found two pretty lilies for two wonderful moms for Mother's Day. Took advantage of the beauties being in my home for a few days and took a few shot. I love Lilies, they are fascinating! I'm so thankful for my mom and I love her! Thankful for her mom and my dad's mom and my cousins mom and my hubby's mom too. Each one has blessed me. God put lot's of moms in my life to teach me, encourage me, challenge me and even occasionally chide and guide me. If you have a mom or moms in your life that has blessed you, let them know this weekend how much you appreciate them. Blessings~
Saturday, May 8, 2010
May 6, 2010 Lily Love
Found two pretty lilies for two wonderful moms for Mother's Day. Took advantage of the beauties being in my home for a few days and took a few shot. I love Lilies, they are fascinating! I'm so thankful for my mom and I love her! Thankful for her mom and my dad's mom and my cousins mom and my hubby's mom too. Each one has blessed me. God put lot's of moms in my life to teach me, encourage me, challenge me and even occasionally chide and guide me. If you have a mom or moms in your life that has blessed you, let them know this weekend how much you appreciate them. Blessings~
May 5, 2010 White Throated Sparrow
bird seed,
white throated sparrow,
May 4, 2010 Spring Visitor
I've been waitng for these guys, the White Crowned Sparrow as well as the White Throated Sparrow and the Harris Sparrow. They are finally here! The first time I saw the Harris Sparrow was maybe 8 years ago. My parents were visiting and it was my dad's birthday May 10th. Every year since I start looking for them a week or so before.... around the 1st of May. They never disappoint me! Welcome back my little friends. Blessings~
Friday, May 7, 2010
May 3, 2010 Robin Egg Blue
Today on my walk the sun was shining so I took my camera along. Glad I did! As i got close to the tree that mama robin has her nest in, she flew to a higher branch. I carefully moved in close tot he nest and to my delight I found that she has 4 pretty blue eggs in her nest! I am so excited that I will get to watch the progress of mama robin and her little babies! Praying the Father who sees the sparrow fall will keep mama, her eggs and future baby birds safe from harm. Blessings~
Thursday, May 6, 2010
May 2, 2010 Morning, Dove
May 1, 2010 Chippie!
April 30, 2010 Spring Maple
April 29, 2010 Pink
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
April 28, 2010 To My Surprise!
Every day on my lunch break I take a 20 minute walk. Now that the weather is nicer I've left the gym behind for the great outdoors. I take my music player and crank up the volume on some good old southern gospel or bluegrass music and get going. It is so nice to get out in the fresh air, sunshine and nature for that 20 minutes. Even a cold windy day beats walking in circles in the gym! A couple days ago I noticed a nest about 4 feet off the ground on this bent over tree branch. I checked inside and there were no eggs. I wasn't sure if this was a newly built nest, but didn't notice the day before. Today as I was walking I was thrilled and surprised to find a mama robbin sitting on the nest. I move slowly as close as I dared (I've started walking with my camera!) and snapped a few before she flew off. I checked the nest for eggs, none yet but I'm hopeful!
April 27, 2010 Without Color
April 26, 2010 Opened My Eyes
These Maple trees just fascinate me. I've walked by these trees for at least two springs and never noticed the blooms that come before the leaves. I love spring, everything is new, fresh, vibrant. The new leaves in spring tend to have a blush, they are so pretty! I think carrying my camera everywhere, thinking about what my pic today should be has opened my eyes to see more of the things that were there all the time!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
April 25, 2010 I'm Waiting!
This time of year is one filled with anticipation! Waiting for all the snow to finally be gone. Waiting for the grass to turn green, waiting for the trees to get leaves, perennials to poke their way thru the earth, flowers and trees to bloom, school to be out, migrating birds to stop at my feeders and summer. In the waiting, I've learned not to be so focused on what I'm waiting for that I miss the glory and wonder of today. I take time each day to actively look for the special gifts only this day will hold. I encourage you to try and do the same. You never know what you might find waiting for you!
apple tree,
crab apple,
waiting anticipation
Saturday, May 1, 2010
April 24, 2010 Someone is watching!
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