Saturday, March 21, 2009

White as Snow

For many the pure white newly fallen snow is gone. For you it may have been replaced by green grass and tulips. For me it has been replace by dirty snowbanks, ice, mud and the threat of major flooding in the coming weeks. I look out my window and see the mess; the yard to be cleaned and the garbage strewn from the blizzards this winter. It's hard to remember the beauty of the fresh fallen snow.

My life is like that too. I know the redemptive power of God's love and the supernatural cleansing of my soul by the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross. I have been made clean by the shed blood of Jesus. But if you were to look closely at me, at my life, at my walk, it does not always appear to be so. There is dirt, mud sometimes, and ice. I allow garbage to be strewn about and I am too lazy or too proud to ask God to help me clean it up.

I am so sick of the dirtiness outdoors. I am ready for something new. Grass, leaves, flowers, sunshine, birds, butterflies. I am waiting on God to bring the new season about. That is true in my soul as well. I have allowed worldliness to soil me. O Jesus, I cry out for your touch, for refreshing! The Psalmist cried out to God "Cleanse me, search my heart and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting! " Time in His word daily reminds me of my need for renewal. He is faithful when I am not, he cleans me up, and then brings newness, life, growth, blessings everyday.

Maybe you feel the grime of the world as well. Mud on your boots, ice in your soul, garbage everywhere. Call on Jesus, he longs to bring you newness, refreshing, hope. He loves you, He proved it on a cross at Golgatha. His red blood covered our sins and made them white as snow, trust Him.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wait, and Let God

I don't know about you but I don't like to wait. I don't like to wait for my coffee to finish brewing, I sneak a cup before the pot is full. I don't like to wait for my kids or my hubby, I am always trying to hurry them up. I get impatient when I have to wait for a light to turn green and right now I CAN"T wait for summer to get here!

I am learning however the benefit and blessings that come when we wait. If I stop to wait for a bird at the feeder, I see so much more of God's creation right there in my back yard. Waiting for the bloom to open on my orchid builds anticipation. Waiting for my children to tell me what's on their minds in their own time will reveal so much more than if I pressed them to tell me anything!

God too wants us to wait, not for Him but on Him. For me it means letting God. Letting Him meet my needs in His own way and in His own time. He knows more fully what I need anyway. He knows the best way to meet that need whatever it is. So when I want to hurry up and solve some problem, meet my own needs or start demanding answers, I am reminded of this verse. Wait for the Lord. Wait ON the Lord, it takes strength to sit on my hands and let God. How about you, are you longing for a situation to be resolved? Are you looking for answers to some struggle you are in the midst of. Be strong, take courage, and wait for the Lord. He's waiting for you to let God.


Photo by Faylin Myhre please respect copyrights

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Certainty in Uncertain Times

We live in such uncertain times don't we? This is nothing new. There have been seasons in history that were prosperous, with much growth; happy times. Other seasons we recall were dark, fearful times.I love what Isaiah tells us in this verse. It reminds me that everything in this life is transient. Nothing of this world lasts forever. There are only two things that are eternal. First, God and his word. Second, the human soul.

When I consider who and what to trust, the eyes of my heart look to God and His Word. His wisdom does not change regardless of the times we live in. He has given me a written testament to His love, His will and His wisdom. It is in the pages of His eternal word that I find what is needed to tend my eternal soul. Is your day, your week, your life filled with uncertainty, spend some time in the eternal certainty of God's love. Spend a little time in His Word.


Photo by Faylin Myhre, please respect copyrights

Monday, March 16, 2009

Something New!

Ok I have a blog! This is my first entry, just had to give it a go. This day is done but soon a new one will begin. It is a blank slate, ready for us to leave our mark. What kind of mark will we leave. One that is harsh, grating, hurtful, destructive? Or will we touch lives with mercy, love, kindness, forgiveness, grace. I choose to extend mercy to those who hurt me. I choose to love the unlovely and to forgive those who offend me. I choose to touch the lives of those whose lives touch mine with grace. I acknowledge that it is not in me to do this, only by the grace and mercy of my savior can I reach out to those around me. He has called me to it, and He gives the power by His spirit to follow thru.

Touch someones life today with grace. I Thess. 5:21 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it!